Family Treasures

We have just started sharing Family Treasures as part of our Oral Language focus.  Each week, three children need to prepare something to bring to school that is special to their family (not too precious though!) and tell us all about it.  We are focusing on:

  • clear and confident voices
  • being prepared with information about our treasure and knowing what we want to say
  • being a good listener - not interrupting the speaker by saving comments to the end
  • giving feedback and feed forward to the children who share
Look at what has been brought along so far - fascinating!

 Ashley shared some first baby shoes that have been passed down through her family. They used to belong to her Nana, then her mum and then Ashley wore them when she was a baby.

Benny shared a button that came off his great grandfather's jacket, which he wore when he was a soldier in the 2nd World War. They keep the button safe in a small metal brass box.

This ring is very special because it was Keaira's great grandmothers!  These were Keaira's first shoes!

This doll belonged to Keira's mum Emma when she was a little girl! 

These are special pieces of jewellery that Keira shared with us.

Tarin brought in a very special jewellery box that belongs to his mum.  Thanks for sharing this Tarin!

Eve brought along this special blanket that was made for her Nana by a special friend.  It has been used as a blanket for Eve's mum and her mum's siblings.  It is gorgeous Eve!

Brooke brought along this special monkey that used to be her mum's toy when she was little - it is very well loved!

Charlie shared a special family photo that he said his family decided together was a Family Treasure! It's awesome to see you had all decided together!  It is a family wedding and is special because his whole family was together at one time - not always easy!  Charlie is not in the photo because it was before he was born!  Thanks for sharing this Charlie!

Alannah shared a very special teddy that she sleeps with each night.  It was a teddy that belonged to her Mum when she was a little girl! It's so great to see that mum's special treasure is now yours Alannah!

Rosa had a few Family Treasures to share with us.  First she shared a 'pull along dog', that was her mum's toy when she was younger.  
Then she showed us a very special money box that was her Granny's.  You had to go to the Post Office to get a special key to unlock it, if you wanted to take money out - what a great idea!

Then Rosa showed us a special spoon.  It was bigger that a table spoon!  It was a wedding gift to her great grandparents.  Then Rosa shared with us a wedding photo of her great grandparents.  They were her Mum Jennie's grandparents.  It is so special to have these family heirlooms Rosa!  Thanks for sharing them with us!

This week Coco shared some of her very special Family Treasures that belonged to her great grandfather.  He really loved horses - I wonder if that is where your love of horses comes from Coco!

Coco showing her grandfather's special hat.

Yesterday Harper brought along some photos of her grandparents and great-grandparents.  Harper is holding a photo of her grandfather Harvey on his first day at school.  Guess what school he went to? Yes - St Albans!

Here he is as a grown up with his family.

Harper is holding a plate painted by her great grandmother.

These are the first pair of shoes that were worn by Harper (the pink ones) and her mum's first shoes. (The red ones)  Super sharing Harper!  You are a confident speaker and we loved all you had to tell us about your family treasures.

Avi brought in a special birthday candle that has been in his family for many generations.  It was his dad's and his grandad's before it was his.  He lights it on his birthday and on the birthdays of other people in his family.  You have grown in confidence so much Avi - well done!

Riley brought along a very special soft toy that used to belong to his great grandmother.  It is a lovely lamb that he likes to sleep with at night.  You were really keen to share this with us Riley and you speak in a quiet yet confident way in front of your peers - well done!

Sven brought in a special crystal that belongs to his grandparents.  They got it as a present from a huge tunnel was dug out in Switzerland.  Sven, you are a confident speaker and share your ideas in a clear and audible voice - well done.

Here is a special pen that used to be Ruby's nana's pen from a long time ago.

This is a fascinating Silver Fox that Ruby's family has inherited! It is not alive anymore but has been cleaned and well looked after. It was so plush and long!  We could see its claws and face!  People used to wear them as scarves!  Thank for being so prepared Ruby - we all agreed you have grown so much in confidence when speaking in front of the whole class!

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