This year, your weekly Maths Homework will be added to the blog of the class you go to for Maths. Make sure you check it out on a MONDAY so you can see what your teacher requires you to do! Go back through the links from other weeks too - this is good practise!
If you go to Room 17 for maths make sure click onto the link below and keep practising the doubles song.
Maths Homework Term 4 and the Summer Holidays
Keep using the set tasks and games on Studyladder to continue to practise your basic facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Maths Homework Term 4 Week 5
Practise the basic facts that you need to work on, from the sheet that you brought home on Monday.
Maths Homework Term 4 Week 4
Complete the new subtraction tasks on Studyladder. Use the Studdyladder extra games like Addition Battle, Subtraction Battle and Multiplication Battle to practise your basic facts.
Here is another game to try! You can play this one with a friend!

Maths Homework - Term 4 Week 3
Complete any of the set fractions tasks on Studyladder that you have not already done. Use the Studdyladder extra games like Addition Battle and Subtraction Battle to practise your basic facts.
Maths Homework - Term 4 Week 2
Have a go at this fraction game!
Maths Homework - Term 4 Week 1
For the next few weeks we will be focusing on fractions. Below are some of the things that we will be learning about. Some new tasks have been added to to consolidate what we are doing in class.
- finding halves, thirds, quarters and fifths of shapes and then sets
- identifying the numerator and denominator and knowing what they represent
- ordering fractions according to size e.g. from smallest to biggest
Maths Homework - Term 3, Week9
This week we are looking at time. Have a go at this game to test your time knowledge and understanding.
Maths Homework - Term 3, Week 7
This week we are starting a different topic - Division. Some new tasks have been added to Studyladder based on sharing and division. It is still important that the children continue to practise their times tables. If they know that 5x4=20 then they can begin to use this knowledge to solve division problems. E.g. There were 20 lollies that were shared equally between 5 children. How many lollies did each child get?
Maths Homework - Term 3, Week 6
Check out the new multiplication games that have been added to Studyladder.
Maths Homework - Term 3, Week 5
Are you beginning to know your tables more confidently? Then this game could be the one for you! Try and work on learning your tables at home. We are focusing on mastering the 2x, 5x, 10x in class through our PROBES.
Maths Homework - Term 3, Week 4
Have a go at playing this 'Flying High' multiplication maths game. You can choose the tables you want to learn! Have fun!
Maths Homework - Term 3, Week 3
This week we are beginning our new topic Multiplication. Have a go at this game to see which tables you are already strong at!
Click this link to play!
Maths Homework - Term 3 Week 2
Maths Homework - Term 3 Week 1
Maths Homework - Term 2 Week 8
Check out the new maths tasks that have been added to Studyladder. There are some set tasks relating to our current topic of length, as well as some subtraction ones to keep practising those basic facts!
Maths Homework - Term 2 - Week 7 - Adding
Maths Homework - Term 2 - Week 6 - Adding Tens
Maths Homework - Term 2 - Week 5 - "Pairs to Ten"
Click on the link below to play the fun game that focuses on number twins! Try to work on the number twins of the number ten - these are important for partitioning! You can try some of the other number twins too!
Maths Homework - Term 2 - Week 4 : Place Value
This week we are looking at Place Value recognition again. This is very helpful when doing adding of two digit numbers. Have a go at this game and get a parent to sign on your homework sheet to show that you have had a go!
Maths Homework - Term 2 - Week 3 : Place Value
We continue to look at Place Value as we move onto solving addition problems by splitting or partitioning numbers.
Have a go at this game that works on knowing the value of numbers in the tens and ones columns.
Maths Homework - Term 2 - Week 2 : Place Value
We have been looking at place value and how important it is when adding tens. Have a go at this online game and see if you can find the VALUE of the numbers given and match them to the right pair. Click on the link below!
This week's homework is to complete some of the set maths tasks on Studyladder on 2D and 3D shapes, symmetry and transformations.
Maths Homework - Term 3 Week 1
For the next two weeks we will be focusing on Geometry.
The children will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes,
transformations of shapes (reflections, rotations and translations) and
position and orientation (giving and following directions).
This week's homework is to complete some of the set maths tasks on Studyladder on 2D and 3D shapes.
Maths interchange
for numeracy will resume again in week 3.
Check out the new maths tasks that have been added to Studyladder. There are some set tasks relating to our current topic of length, as well as some subtraction ones to keep practising those basic facts!
Maths Homework - Term 2 - Week 7 - Adding
Click the picture above to play this fun adding game! Once you're taken to the site - click the words "Let's Play" to start the game!
Maths Homework - Term 2 - Week 6 - Adding Tens
Have a go at this game! It focuses on adding ten to numbers from 1-100. Click on the link below!
Maths Homework - Term 2 - Week 5 - "Pairs to Ten"
Click on the link below to play the fun game that focuses on number twins! Try to work on the number twins of the number ten - these are important for partitioning! You can try some of the other number twins too!
Maths Homework - Term 2 - Week 4 : Place Value
This week we are looking at Place Value recognition again. This is very helpful when doing adding of two digit numbers. Have a go at this game and get a parent to sign on your homework sheet to show that you have had a go!
Maths Homework - Term 2 - Week 3 : Place Value
We continue to look at Place Value as we move onto solving addition problems by splitting or partitioning numbers.
Have a go at this game that works on knowing the value of numbers in the tens and ones columns.
Maths Homework - Term 2 - Week 2 : Place Value
We have been looking at place value and how important it is when adding tens. Have a go at this online game and see if you can find the VALUE of the numbers given and match them to the right pair. Click on the link below!
Maths Homework - Term 2 Week 1 : Adding to make Ten
Complete the probes sheet that you were given today. Get someone at home to time how long you take to complete each section and record at the bottom of the sheet. The goal is to know the answers or calculate the answers as quickly as possible. Room 13 children to return completed sheet on Friday. Room 14, 17 and 19 maths children to return their sheet by next Monday.
WALT: add three or more numbers by first making pairs that add to ten.
This week is a RECAP of making tidy numbers. This is very important so do make sure that you have had a go at this game!
Have a go at this online game to see how many ways you can make 10!
Maths Homework - Term 1 Week 10 : Adding 10 to a 2-digit number
Mrs Brown found this cool game to practise adding ten to a given number. You need to play this ith a friend! Enjoy!
Click here to play!
Maths Homework - Term 1 Week 9 : Adding to make Ten
Mrs Brown found this cool game to practise adding ten to a given number. You need to play this ith a friend! Enjoy!
Click here to play!
Maths Homework - Term 1 Week 9 : Adding to make Ten
WALT: add three of more numbers by first making pairs that add to ten.
Have a go at this online game to see how many ways you can make 10! Click on the 10 below!
Maths Homework - Term 1 Week 8 : Ordering Numbers
Have a go at these online games - they are all to do with Ordering Numbers! Click on the image above!
Maths Homework - Term 1 Week 7 : Place Value
We continue to work on Place Value this week. Here is a great wee game to see if you have made some good understanding with your tens and ones. Try out the link below!
Make sure you complete the sheet 'Climb the Ladder' given to you on Monday. You can also create your own ladder to climb to practise addition and subtraction.
Study ladder is up and running - get going on your tasks!
Maths Homework - Term 1 Week 6 Place Value
This week we are looking at Place Value. Have a go at some of these online Maths Games to check your Place Value knowledge!

Maths Homework - Term 1 Week 5 Doubles and Halves
We are still learning our doubles and halves! Practice these using the virtual dice on our blog home page!
Have you purchased your ten sided dice yet? They are a great way to learn your doubles, halves and basic facts! See Mrs Brown and Mrs Worthington for a plastic bag and ideas sheet!
Remember to check out our Maths Blog for lots of great ideas to practise at home! There is a link on our home page!
In Maths this week we are working on knowing our 'doubles' and 'halves' to 20 instantly. This means that they just 'roll off the tongue' instantly! At the moment we are using equipment to help us with this - but we aim to recall them from memory! Please work on this with us at home!!
Homework - Term 1 Week 4
This week in class we are focusing on knowing our doubles of numbers up to 12 and halves of numbers up to 24. The goal is to know the answers instantly without having to work them out!
Use the 'Virtual Dice' link on the home page of the blog to practise your doubles. Choose a dice and spin it. Whatever number it lands on double it and say what the answer is. Ask someone at home to time how many doubles answers you can get correct in 1 minute. Try to beat your score!
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