Class Newsletters

Term 4 Week 9


·       Beach Education Wednesday
·       Tryathlon Friday
·       Return readers and library books this week

Dear Families
We are now down to the last full week of school! Where has the year gone!  This week is a very busy week with a lot happening so please take time to read through this newsletter carefully. 

This WEDNESDAY we head to North Beach by bus to learn about safety at the beach.  We will be hopping in the water so the children will need to bring their togs and a towel and if possible we encourage the children to bring a WETSUIT as it is cold in the water! Also remember to pack:
·       A good lunch
·       A big drink of water
·       A sunhat/sunblock on
·       A warm jacket incase it is cold
Thanks for the parents who have offered to join us – please be here early Wednesday morning so we can get ourselves organized and ready to go!

The reading programme has now finished for the year – please return any readers you have at home.  We will be reading poems and learning about Christmas in other countries via the internet this week instead.

Weather permitting we will be having a Year 3 Tryathlon this Friday.  Make sure you have the bike and helmet checked for bringing to school on Friday. Further details will come in a separate letter.

What a great job the children did on Friday.  Thanks to those of you who came to see the performance!

This is now closed.  Please return library books to school this week.

Homework has now finished for the year, however we do encourage the children to continue to use online programmes such as Studyladder and Oxford Owl over the school holidays, as well as visits to the local library to keep the reading going.

Adela and Julie
  Term 4 Week 8
·       Swimming on this week – remember your togs!
·       Please return any instructional readers to school that you find at home!
·       Beach Education – next Wednesday (10th December)

Dear Families
We successfully got our swimming sessions underway last week! The mixed bag of weather has meant that we have had days where it was so fortunate that we had a swim time and other days where it was not possible to swim because of the rain!  Our days for swimming this week are Tuesday, Wednesday and possibly Friday if we can swap times – please have swimming togs on those days. 

This week is the last week that we will be sending home instructional readers.  We will be looking at Christmas activities next week.  Please keep an eye out for any of our school reading books and send them along to school if you find them! 

Our interchange programme finished on Thursday last week.  We will be looking at MONEY for the next two weeks. 

You should have received a notice regarding the Year 3-4 Choir Performance last week. This takes place this FRIDAY at 11:00. We look forward to seeing you.

A number of children received a notice about bringing a Current Event to share this THURSDAY.  We encourage you to help your child complete the form that goes with this presentation.

Next week we are keen to share some of the ways people celebrate Christmas in different countries.  If you come from a country other than New Zealand, and have some special traditions that you celebrate, we would love to hear about them.

Adela and Julie
Term 4 Week 7

·       FUTSAL on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday – wear appropriate clothing and shoes
·       Return any instructional readers you have at home back to school this week.
      Beach Education Trip – Wednesday 10th December
Dear Families
What an amazing event the Monster Fair was! It was great to see so many of you – before the weather turned ghastly!  A HUGE thank you to the families who donated lollies, home-made sweets and helped on our stall, as well as the many others!  What a great community we are!

The school pool is very close to opening! Once we have a timetable we will be able to let you know our swimming times.  In the meantime, start looking for your goggles, togs and swimming bags – and make sure that everything is NAMED!

This Tuesday and Friday our class will be taking part in some FUTSAL sessions.  Futsal is the football equivalent of touch rugby. It is a good idea to have appropriate clothing and shoes for these days.

Reading Books
We will be doing our stock-take of instructional readers in the next few weeks! If you have any at home, we would really appreciate these being returned to school.

This week Room 13’s maths class will be focusing on Number Knowledge to 1000. Check out the blog to find some activities you can try. 

Enjoy the week!

Adela and Julie

Term 4 Week 6
Dear Families
We hope you have all had a fabulous long weekend. We have been busy completing end of year assessments with the children and will continue working on these, along with reports this week.

School Fair
The school fair is on this Saturday – we hope to see you all there. The event is only held every other year and is a big fundraiser for the school. If you are able to spare one hour of your time to help with Room 13’s sweet stall we would appreciate an extra pair of hands! Please add your name to the sheet in our corridor or alternatively email either of us.
We would love donations of home made sweets. If you are able to make some please bring them to Room 13 on Friday and we will bag them up to sell at the fair.

Athletics Day
Hopefully by the time you read this letter the children would have had a great day running, jumping and throwing and knowing that they have gone out there and given it their best effort.

This week we are focusing on contractions. The challenge is to know where in the word the apostrophe goes (where some letters and sounds are missing).

Modern Learning Environments
As you would have read in the school newsletter there is a community meeting about modern learning environments today, at 6pm in the school hall. We hope as many of you as possible can attend to find out more information about how things are changing in education.

Enjoy the week!

Adela and Julie
Term 4 Week 5

·       Please send in any lollies you’d like to donate for the school fair.  We will bag these up at school.
·       We would love any donations of home made sweets for next week please – let us know if you are keen to help with this!
·       We have had headlice in the class – please check and treat your child’s hair if needed.
·       ATHLETICS DAY – next Monday
·       Modern Learning Environments Meeting – next Monday (17th Nov.) at 6pm in the school hall.
Dear Families
It is now only two weeks until the Monster Fair! Thank you to those who have sent along donations of sweets.  We will begin to bag these up next week.  We would also love to sell traditional sweets at our stall – fudge, coconut ice, toffee, hokey pokey.  If you are able to make some of this at home, that we can bag up at school, we would love to hear from you please!  It would need to be at school late next week so that it is fresh and doesn’t melt in our classroom! Many thanks in advance!

We will also put a timetable up outside our room, if you are able to help at our stall on the day of the fair. We will both be on deck, but would love some extra pairs of hands to help us out!  See the sheet in our corridor or alternatively email either of us if you could give up an hour of your time.

We had a productive time last week assessing reading and maths!  It is great to have 1:1 time to talk concepts and understanding with the children.  We have two release days next week and will have Melissa Barber relieving in our room.  We will spend those days continuing assessments and working on end of year reports.

We will be focusing on singular and plurals again this week, but looking at different spelling patterns, where an ‘es’ is added to form a plural. In English words that end in either ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘ss’ or ‘o’ usually require an ‘es’ to make a plural.

Athletics Day
Next MONDAY is Athletics Day.  Please remember to wear your house colours and sensible clothing for competing!  Sunhats are compulsory and lots of water is advised! It would also be a good idea to apply some sun lotion prior to coming to school.

Summer Walk
Thank you to our parent helpers who joined us on this quick walk to Malvern Park.  The weather held off just! It was ironically cooler than our Winter Walk – that’s life in Christchurch!  It was awesome spotting one of the Stand Tall giraffes too!

Enjoy the week!

Adela and Julie
Term 4 Week 4


• Reading folders MUST be at school each day
• Remember to bring your Home/Learning book and school library books back on Fridays
• Summer Walk WEDNESDAY – please return your
   permission slips

Dear Families
This Wednesday we will be taking a Summer Walk to Malvern Park.  The aim is to note the changes in our local community and park, from our Winter Walk, and write about them in an interesting recount.  Please get permission skips back by TUESDAY, as children who do not bring their form back will have to stay at school.  Another parent to join us would be great please!

Athletics Day
Our Year 2/3 Athletics Day is Monday of Week 6.  We are doing a lot of work at school to learn the correct techniques for using the athletics equipment.  We hope the children have a lot of FUN on the day – and that you can join us too!

This week the children will be reading and performing PLAYS in their reading groups.  We will also begin assessing children’s reading levels for end of year reporting.

This week we are looking at plurals with a focus on changing singular words ending in a ‘y’ to an ‘i’ and adding ‘es’. E.g. fly becomes flies.

Enjoy the week
Adela and Julie

Term 4 Week 3
·       Sun hats are compulsory at school this term
·       Please send in any lollies you’d like to donate for the school fair.  We will bag these up at school.
·       Current Events – if it is your turn to share a current event, please remember to bring it on WEDNESDAY! Not many people are remembering!
·       Scholastic book orders – last day for orders is tomorrow – Wednesday 29th October
Dear Families
We hope you enjoyed the extra day this weekend – a great time to recharge for the busy weeks ahead!

In reading this week we are looking at ‘asking questions’.  This shows us that you are thinking beyond the text you are reading, setting questions you want to find out and then using resources such as the internet to help you locate information.  Make sure you are doing lots of reading at home!

This will be our last week looking at Fractions.  Remember to look at the class blog for activities on our maths page. The children have brought home their latest basic facts assessment. A number of the maths classes have been focusing on multiplication and division recently and the improvement in these areas could clearly be seen, however the children’s quick recall of addition and subtraction facts was not as good. It really does make a difference if the children spend a small amount of time practising basic facts at home, until they just become automatic. The games on Studyladder and the School’s Maths Blog can be used for this, as well as simply answering 10 quick fire questions orally or written down.

This week we are focusing on the ‘er’ sound, which can be written with an ‘er’, ‘ir’ or ‘ur’. It is important that the children can firstly hear the ‘er’ sound in their spelling word and then they need to learn visually which spelling pattern is used to write it.

Summer Walk – Wednesday 5th November
Next week we will be doing a summer walk to Malvern Park.

Athletics Day
As you would have seen from last week’s newsletter the year 2/3 athletics sports day will now be on Monday 17th November.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie
Term 4 Week 2
·       Sun hats are compulsory at school this term.
·       Please send in any lollies you’d like to donate for the school fair.  We will bag these up at school.
·       Some children are still very short on pencils and whiteboard pens – please check that your child has the equipment they need for school
·       We have had headlice in the class – please check and treat your child’s hair if needed.

Dear Families
The first week of the term went by so quickly!  We envisage that the rest of the term will do the same, with all the activities and events that are planned for the term leading up to Christmas!  We will be looking for parent helpers during the term for a Summer Walk we have planned to Malvern Park and for the Beach Education trip near the end of term.  Watch out for the details to come!

Oral Language
Thank you to those children who brought along current events to share last week!  It’s great to discuss things that are happening in and around our world!  Your child will let you know if it is their turn to prepare an article - your help is much appreciated.

We have been looking at Fractions in Room 13 for maths – make sure you check out the activities on our blog and on Study Ladder.  This week we plan to look at fractions of sets – if 1/4 of 16 = 4 then what does 3/4 of 16 equal?

In writing the children are encouraged to use VCOP to add quality to their sentences. V – interesting vocabulary, C – connective words to join ideas together in a sentence, O – interesting sentence openers, P – correct punctuation.

School Fair
Thank you to those families who have already made a donation for our sweet stall at the school fair.

Enjoy the week!

Adela and Julie

Term 4 Week 1

·       Sun hats are compulsory at school this term!

·       Please send in any lollies you’d like to donate for the school fair.  We will be making them into mixed $1 bags at school.
Dear Families
Welcome back to Term 4!  We hope you all had a great holiday and are ready to be back at school! This is going to be a very busy term, culminating in the School Fair in late November!  As part of our build up to the fair, we are going to be looking at Chocolate and how it is made. We will then move onto healthy diets!  We look forward to watching our inquiry unfold!

Our maths interchange will begin this week. Please check the class blogs for any maths homework that might be required.  Continuing to work on basic facts and tables is an on-going focus. Please see us if you require some probes sheets. We will do another basic facts assessment early this term, as we felt the children were too tired to complete one in the last week of term 3.

The children will continue to have daily instructional reading this term.  It is important that they read with you at home and are also choosing their own choice of books from the school and public libraries.

Summer Uniform
Term 4 brings the return of summer uniform and hats!  It is compulsory for the children to wear a hat.  Not bringing one will result in having to sit and play in the shaded areas.  A wide brimmed one offers the most protection from the sun.  Please make sure they are NAMED! 

Please check your child has enough whiteboard pens,  blue writing pens, glue-sticks and pencils to see them through the final term please!

This term we will be looking at Athletics and Swimming as part of our PE programme.  Details on Athletics Day will come out later.

Oral Language
This term we are looking at Current Events for Oral Language.  Each week, 3 children will be required to find a current event and fill in the sheet that comes home to then share with the class.  Please help your child with this when it is their turn – it is a great way to build the ability to speak in front of others, as well as learning about what is going on in the world we live in.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie  Term 3 Week 9
• Reading folders MUST be at school each day
  Please check your child has the stationery they need for
   school – some 1I5s are needed for writing!
  Please finish your pom-pom and return it to school this Thursday
Dear Families
The Year 3 teachers had a great time looking at Pegasus Bay School last week.  It was interesting to see what they are doing in their new modern learning environment and where education is heading in open plan spaces. 

The term is flying by!  This will be our last week of homework. 

Please send these along from tomorrow!  We did not get time to use them last week as we had our team assembly. It would be very helpful if you have made these at home, to cut them so they are finished and reading to go!  One teacher cutting 25 pom-poms is quite time consuming!

This week we are looking at iMovie and Keynote to support our Inquiry and Reading programmes.  Please discuss what we are doing with these programmes in class, with your child at home.  You may have Power Point – which is very similar to Keynote, for the children to work on something at home.

This week in class we will be focusing on ‘Time’ and there will no interchange programme. New time activities will be added to Studyladder and the children should select the area of time that they need to work on using both analogue and digital clocks.

Equipment for Term 4
Most children will require a new glue-stick and whiteboard pen for term 4.  If you can purchase these in the holidays that would be great!

Enjoy the week
Adela and Julie  

Term 3 Week 8
• Reading folders MUST be at school each day
  Please check your child has the stationery they need for school – some 1I5s are needed for writing, along with writing pencils and blue pens!
• Please finish your pom-pom and return it to school this Thursday
• Library books should be returned to school on Fridays 
Dear Families
We all enjoyed the Middle Team Poetry Competition last week – congratulations to our Ruby, Daniel and Keaira for representing our class. Well done Ruby on your third placing in the Year 3 competition – we are so proud of you!

Last week we started making pom-poms for art – using a fork! See if your child can show you this quick technique at home!  We began making a larger pom-pom using the “donut technique”.  We have asked that the children complete these at home and return them to school this THURSDAY!  Please support them!  You can come and use wool from the classroom if you have none at home!

Pegasus School
This Thursday the Year 3 teachers are all going to Pegasus School to look at Modern Learning Environments.  There will be a reliever in our class Thursday morning.

Please make sure you are listening to your children read regularly!  Our pop-up library is now open and the children are able to choose two books to take home each week.  It is important that children are reading their instructional books from school and their own choice of reading from home!

Enjoy the week 
Adela and Julie
Term 3 Week 7
      Reading folders MUST be at school each day
    For Art we would love…
·       CDs for weaving (they won’t be returned)
·       Wool for weaving/poms
·       Bring a FORK for making pom-poms this THURSDAY
·       Make sure you have the right stationery at school!
Dear Families

By the time you read this letter we will have had our class poetry competition. Thank you for helping your child to learn their poem off by heart and thinking about the criteria set in the class rubric. Our three finalists will go through to the middle syndicate poetry completion this Thursday at 9 a.m. in the school hall.

The children have all brought home a basic facts sheet to practise at home. If they passed the previous stage they will have been given the next stage to work on. We will do another assessment at the end of this term to see what progress they have made.

On Tuesday Room 13 will be having a cricket session, at school, with Canterbury Cricket.

There are still some children who are short of stationery to use in class, particularly pencils and blue pens. Your child has been asked to let you know if they need any items. If you could name their items it does help to return lost property to the rightful owner.

This week we are looking at Fairytales in writing.  We are going to be sharing some in reading too, so would love your child to bring a favourite fairytale along to school on Monday.

Art Preparation
During the next few weeks we plan to do some weaving with CDs.  Please send any old ones along that you don’t want back!  If you are able to help with getting these ready for weaving at home, then please come and see Adela on Wednesday so that I can explain what help we need.  We are making pom-poms this Thursday – a fork is needed!

Enjoy the week
Adela and Julie

Term 3 Week 6
• Practise your poem for the Poetry Competition in WEEK 7 so that you know it off by heart!
 • Class Poetry Competition on Monday 1st September, 1.30pm.
• Reading folders MUST be at school each day
Dear Families
You will have seen the wonderful time the children had at Ferrymead, if you have seen the photos on the blog!  They have written wonderful recounts of the day – the Moorhouse School was a place that has stuck in the minds of most – the cane being the number one reason! We are all grateful that schools have changed! 

This week Julie will have release on Friday.  Adela is in on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday this week.

Poetry Competition
Our class Poetry Competition will take place on MONDAY 1st SEPTEMBER at 1.30pm.  We do hope that you have time to come along to support the children in our class. 

This week we are having a focus on Poetry.  Instead of a daily reader the children will be bringing home a new poem each day. We really hope that the children are learning their poems at home – they will have the opportunity to practise their poem in front of the class this week. Please make sure that Poetry Books are returned to school EVERY day this week. 

Reading Folders
Please encourage your child to self manage themselves for school each day by asking them if they have their reading folder in their bags – with their instructional reader.  It is very important that children have their books here for group reading each day.

Maths – Basic Facts
Last week the children completed a basic facts sheet. The goal was to get all the answers correct within a 5 minute time frame. The children have brought home their sheets so that you can see what areas they would benefit from extra practise at home.

There will be no spelling sentences for homework this week in order to allow the children more time to practise their poem.

We now have a temporary school library set up in the hall. Our library time is on a Friday afternoon and the children are encouraged to choose two books. Please can you help your child to remember to return their books every Friday.

Enjoy the week
Adela and Julie
Term 3 Week 5
• Practise your poem for the Poetry Competition in WEEK 7!
• Join us for sewing on WEDNESDAY at 1.30 if you can!
Family Treasures to share
this week: Benny, Keaira and Keira.
Dear Families
By the time you read this, we will have enjoyed a wonderful day at Ferrymead, looking at life in the past. We will add photos to the blog in the next day or so – make sure you ask your child about the trip.
A huge welcome to Daniel and his family to Room 13 and St Albans School – we hope you enjoyed your first few days with us!

We had a FANTASTIC afternoon of sewing on Thursday – the children were amazing, patient sewers and have made a great start to our fabric and fibre unit.  If you can join us this WEDNESDAY at 1.30 to help with sewing we’d love to see you!  We would love wool if you have any to send along too!

Poetry Competition
A reminder that the poetry competition is on in Week 7!  Your child should have picked a poem by now and be learning it so that they can confidently share it in front of the class.  The aim is to know it ‘off by heart’!  We will send home a Poetry Rubric this week so that you can see the criteria we have set and what we are looking for.

Maths – Room 13
We continue to focus on Multiplication.  We are learning our tables and encourage you to practise these at home too.  The games on the class blog are exciting ways to help your child master their tables.

We have been reading and writing fables in class.  Fables are a great discussion point, as they look at a moral – often things we encourage in the classroom!  We have been focusing on writing dialogue – so knowing where speech marks go, and looking at alternatives for using the word ‘said’.  We have an on-going focus on spelling sounds and patterns and editing our work to check it makes sense and is full of interesting and varied vocabulary.

Enjoy the week
Adela and Julie

Term 3 Week 4

• We are going to Ferrymead next MONDAY.  Have
   you returned your permission slip? We could still do 
  with one more parent to help with the trip. Please let
  us know if you can be of assistance.
• Bring along a darning needle for art on THURSDAY if
   you have one at home.
• Start looking for a poem that you can learn off by
   heart for the Poetry Competition.
Dear Families
This week is New Zealand Maths Week.  It is a great week to discuss all things maths with your child!  This could be how maths is involved in everyday life – cooking, shopping, timetables etc. We will be having some time with our buddy class during the week, enjoying some maths games. Check out the school Maths Blog for lots of great maths games and ideas. 

Room 13 Maths Class
We continue to work on Multiplication this term in maths.  We teach the children multiplying means making sets or groups, using repeated addition, skip counting and using arrays.  We are working on knowing our 2x, 5x and 10x tables to start with. You will find ways to support these through games on our class blog.

This term we are looking at some Fabric and Fibre art.  We plan to do some sewing this week onto hessian. If you have a darning needle or two, that your child can use, please tape it to a piece of card and send it to school. 

Family Treasures
It is great to see the items being sent along that are special to your families!  We are seeing a range of items and the children are sharing them confidently, with good feedback and feed forward being given.  Check out some photos on our blog!

This week we are focusing on the sounds for the letter ‘e’. E.g. the long ‘e’ as in eagle and the short ‘e’ as in egg. It is really important that the children can hear what sound the ‘e’ is making in words, as when it comes to the long vowel sound there are a number of ways to write it.

Poetry Competition
During week 7 we will be having our class Poetry Competition, which ALL children will take part in.  Your child could now begin looking for a poem to present to our class.  We will add some website links to the blog to help find a suitable poem.  Please can the children bring in a copy of their chosen poem to show to either of us by next Monday. More details will come out shortly!

Enjoy the week
Adela and Julie

Term 3 Week 3
·       Ferrymead trip – Monday 18th August
·       Year 3/4 poetry competition in week 7
·       Please remember your Family Treasure to share if it is your turn this week!
Dear Families
What a beautiful few days of weather we were spoilt with last week!  It looks like it is back to the cool weather again – but a hint of what we have to look forward to - hopefully soon!

These are now completed and available to view at the office!  The children have done a great job on our ‘hearts’ collage.  We hope you like them!

Today we restarted our ‘Maths Interchange’ programme with children returning to the teacher they were with last term for maths.  Please look at the blog for the weekly Maths Homework, which is set up to support your child with the topic their maths class is working on.

Reading Ideas
We have added a page to our class blog called ‘Book Share’. A range of books will be added to this page, in case you are looking for new genre/material for your child to read.  If your child has read some books that have really sparked their keenness to read, we’d love to hear about them, so we can add them for others.

Ferrymead Trip
Please make sure that Ferrymead permission notices are returned to school ASAP. 

We are learning about what school was like in the past as part of our Inquiry Topic. The children will be bringing home an ‘interview sheet’ later this week, to ask you about what school was like when you were a child.  It would be great to hear some experiences from grandparents/older relatives as well!

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie
Term 3 Week 2

·       School photos – Wednesday 30th July
·       Ferrymead trip in week 5
·       Year 3/4 poetry competition in week 7

Dear Families
What a cold week we had last week!  We are eating inside most days then heading out to play.  Let’s hope that this week the temperatures rise!

School photos will happen this WEDNESDAY!  Please wear correct winter uniform for these.

Last week we made some 3D shapes using toothpicks and peas.  Come in and see them if you haven’t already – there are also photos on the blog. Hopefully the children can tell you some 3D shapes we have been learning about, as well as explain what faces, vertices and edges are.  Keep up the basic facts work by revisiting activities we have on the blog and by using Studyladder.

We continue to focus on ‘Reading to Learn’. We encourage the reading of books at home of the children’s own personal choice.  Check out our class blog to get some good ideas of new books your child can try, to encourage new authors and genres.

Last week we started our calendars.  This week we will finish them.  If you can help for an hour on WEDNESDAY afternoon with these we would really appreciate it!  Come along at 1.30. Our calendars are a ‘collage’ theme.  We need some help with cutting out shapes that we have painted.  If you have some scrap-booking stencil cutters – we would love to borrow them on Wednesday.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie
Term 3 Week 1
·       School photos – Wednesday 30th July
·       Ferrymead trip in week 5
·       Year 3/4 poetry competition in week 7

Dear Families
We hope you have all enjoyed a wonderful break. If your family did something exciting in the holidays – send some photos along to share at school. The children will be writing about something interesting that they did during the holidays this week.

This term our Inquiry has a history focus and is called ‘Looking Back, Looking Forward’. Later in the term we will be asking if anyone has an elderly relative or family friend who would like to talk to the class about their childhood. We will also be going on a trip to Ferrymead in week 5.

For the first two weeks of term we will be covering the topic of geometry with the class. The children will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes, transformations of shapes (reflections, rotations and translations) and position and orientation (giving and following directions). Maths interchange for numeracy will resume again in week 3.

Housepoints were given out today for children who completed the ‘Book Bingo’ challenge. It is great to see children selecting books of personal interest to read at home and this is something that we encourage in year 3. The reading programme started today and the children should have brought home their instructional reading book.

This term the focus will be on long and short vowel sounds. It is really important that the children can hear the different sounds that the vowels make. This week we will be focusing on hearing the long and short ‘a’ sound e.g. the short ‘a’ in animal and the long ‘a’ in acorn. Then the next two weeks we will move onto looking at different spelling patterns for the long ‘a’ sound.

Thank you to those of you who have topped up on your child’s stationery. There are still a few children who are short of certain items – mainly HB pencils and blue pens. If your child still requires some items they have been asked to list them on the following page.

Home Learning
We continue to place an emphasis on quality work both at school and at home. We appreciate your support in making sure that home learning is completed to a high standard and that the reading log is filled in, by either yourself or your child. The reading log should include the books coming home or your child’s own choice of literature. The children are given housepoints for completed homework.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie

 Term 2 Week 9

• Interviews are on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. School finishes early at 2pm on THURSDAY.
• Gymnastics this Wednesday and Thursday – wear suitable clothing please.
• Check out our class blog!
• Please return any school instructional readers to school this week.

• School finishes this FRIDAY at 3pm for the holidays – keep safe and do lots of reading!

Dear Families

The final week of school is upon us!  This year is moving by so quickly!  Today you will receive the children’s digital reports.  Interviews are on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons to discuss the reports – we look forward to seeing you.  For the mid-year interviews it is up to you to decide whether you would like your child to attend.

Spelling Homework
This week there will be no spelling words to learn as part of the homework.  There will be reading books coming home as well as a Book Bingo sheet, which can be worked on this week and during the holidays. The children will need to colour in the square on the sheet for each task completed and record the name of each book they have read in their home/learning book on a separate page. They will get 5 housepoints for each square that is completed.

Last week we looked at measuring lengths.  This week we are looking at weight and capacity. Talk with your child at home regarding this – baking is a great way to discuss measurement!

Choir Performance
The children sang beautifully on Tuesday night – we were all so proud of their performance!

This Wednesday and Thursday we will be taking part in a Gym session here at school.  The children need to wear bare feet and have sensible clothing for taking part in the activities – school track pants might be a good option if your child has them!

Have a fantastic holiday break – we look forward to seeing you all rested in Term 3!
Adela and Julie

Term 2 Week 8

Choir Performance Tuesday night.
Gymnastics next week at school.
Make sure you book your interview times online! School will finish early at 2pm on Thursday 3rd July.
Check out our class blog!

Dear Families

Welcome to Week 8!  We had such a fantastic time last week taking part in Book Week, with so many amazing activities!  Highlights included the book character parade, a visit from Craig Smith, the Book Olympics and going to the Book Fair.  Thank you for your support!

We have made some changes to our reading groups this week.  You may notice an increase in the amount of text your child is reading and the complexities!  Please continue to listen to your child read regularly – it is great for them to be heard reading aloud!  Please take time to help your child locate books of their own choice at the local library too!

This week we will be returning to our own classes for Maths.  We are focusing on Measurement. 

Choir Performance
This will be happening this Tuesday night. Please can the children go straight to the school hall at 6:20 ready for a 6:30 start. We look forward to seeing you there!

School Interviews
Please remember to book your parent teacher interviews online, if you haven’t already done so. Details of how to access can be found in the previous two school newsletters.

Enjoy the week
Adela and Julie

Term 2 Week 7

  Encourage your child to pack their own bag for school,
   making sure their reading folder is inside!
  Please purchase a 1I5 for writing and bring to the
  Choir notices to be returned to school ASAP.

Dear Families
This week is Book Week, starting with the parade today – and filled with a lot of exciting book activities.  Take the opportunity to visit the Book Fair – we will be visiting this today and we’re sure that there will be lots of books that will appeal to all children.

If your child has a favourite book, they can bring to class to share - we’d love to see it.  They might have one that is even mum or dad’s favourite book from their childhood!  We are looking at books written by Lynley Dodd, Dr Seuss and Eric Carle – please send them along if you have any!

Week 9 we will be taking part in two gymnastics sessions here at school.  These are on the Wednesday and Thursdays.  This is a great opportunity for us to take part in these skills based session – particularly with the weather being so horrid!  More information will come next week regarding these.

The Blog
Thanks so much to all of you who access our class blog to see what is happening in our class.  We love your feedback – so do feel free to comment on what is being shared.

Oral Language
We are now looking at sharing a Family Treasure as part of our Oral Language focus on a Wednesday.  You will have received a notice regarding this if it is your child’s turn.  We look forward to the treasures coming to school – nothing too precious please!

Enjoy the week
Adela and Julie

Term 2 Week 6

  Encourage your child to pack their own bag for school,
   making sure their reading folder is inside!
  Please purchase a 1I5 for writing and bring to the
  Choir notices to be returned to school ASAP.
  Slippers a great idea for the classroom!

Dear Families
Week 6 is upon us already!  This week Julie and I both have a release day to work on assessment, reports and planning.  Anne Talaska will be in our class on Tuesday and Wednesday – we will both be in the school working on Room 13 related learning!

We are beginning to fill our writing books!  Can you please purchase another 1I5 from the office or a bookshop and bring this into the classroom.  Make sure it is the correct book as the line size is important for our level to write on.

The Big Meltdown
I’m sure the children shared the excitement of the Big Meltdown with you!  On Wednesday we arrived to school to lots of frozen sculptures, set out by lots of innovative teachers!  It created a lot of excitement and discussion about how the sculptures were made.  Read some of the writing on our blog to see our thoughts!

Choir Performance
You should have received a notice about this performance, taking place on June 24th.  Please return the slips to school to let us know if your child will be taking part.

Book Week
Next week is Book Week.  There will a number of activities happening – including a dress up day on Monday June the 16th.  Start thinking about a costume now!  The children are encouraged to come to school dressed as a book character and if possible bring along the book that their character is in.

Enjoy the week
Adela and Julie
Term 2 Week 5

  Slippers can be brought to school to wear in the 
  Please make sure that your child has their reading folder
   at school each day

Dear Families

How lovely to have a three day weekend!  The mornings have been VERY cold!  We are lucky to have a cozy classroom to learn in!  Slippers are welcome in the classroom!  Colds are starting to appear – do keep your child at home if they are unwell!  Classrooms are a breeding place for germs!  It is also time to check your child’s hair – head lice are currently doing the rounds!

Winter Walk
We had a lovely time walking down to Malvern Park! Thank you to Jen, Sarah and Sheradyn for accompanying us.  We had some lovely ideas used in our writing.  At year three, we have a large focus on making our writing more interesting through hooks, rich language, similes, descriptions and speech.  We are working on developing the quality of our writing, which can only happen when there is quantity!  For some children, generating ideas and sequencing their thoughts is the next step. Then there is spelling, grammar and editing!  As you can see, writing is a very complex area of the curriculum!  You can help by doing lots of reading with your child to expose them to language, writing structure and to discuss ways the author captures their audience.  Working on the spelling is also very important!

Our Water topic is going well!  Hopefully your child can tell you some of the things we have been learning about in Science.  This week we are looking at the water cycle.

Enjoy the week
Adela and Julie

Term 2 Week 4


·       Winter Walk on Wednesday – bring sensible shoes. Remember to return your permission slip if you haven’t already done so.

Dear Families

This week – weather permitting, we plan to do a Winter Walk and look at what is happening in our neighborhood with winter now upon us!  What do the parks and gardens look like in winter?  We hope this will provide motivation for our Term 2 Writing sample. Please return the slip if you can join us!
Last week we were able to listen to all children in a 1:1 situation as part of our Reading Assessment.  Whilst this gives us a reading level for your child, there are many other aspects of reading, which we take into account to make an overall teacher judgment on where your child is at in Reading.  Their comprehension of the texts, their ability to retell and discuss the text, being able to make inferences and to use what they are reading in their learning are all very important skills in reading. It was very pleasing to see the progress all children have made – keep up the reading at home – not just the school books, but literature of the children’s own choice.

Continue to check out the class blog for ways to develop your child’s understanding of what we are covering in class.  Partitioning is proving to be quite a challenge for some – splitting numbers to help us solve addition problems.  Keep working on this at home – it will help immensely.  
For example 8 + 6 = (8 + 2) + 4 = 10 + 4 = 14.

Book Share
Could Sven, Mohit, Alannah, Jessendra and Kacey please bring one of your favourite books to share this WEDNESDAY!

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie
Term 2 Week 3
Dear Families

We hope you all enjoyed hearing about or being part of the Orana Park trip last week – the weather behaved and a great trip was had!  The cross country on Tuesday, whilst a little cool, was competed with so much enthusiasm by all – thanks for coming along to support your child!

This week we will be doing assessment on where your child is at with their reading.  Instead of a guided reading session with the teacher each day, the children will receive a book on Monday for the week and will have activities to work on independently during the week.  Make sure you still read with them each night.

We are now moving onto solving addition problems by partitioning – splitting the number into parts.
For example 8 + 5 = 8 + 2 + 3 = 13.  Read more about partitioning on our class blog. 

Book Share
Last term we started a Book Share where some children brought a favourite book to school to read to their Buzz Group.  We would like to continue this, beginning this week.  Could Charlie, Keaira, Bailey, Ashley and Brooke please bring one of your favourite books to share this WEDNESDAY!

Please continue to work on helping your child with learning their words each week! Talk to them about the sounds that are being focused on each week in their words – see if they can think of other words that have the same sound.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie

Term 2 Week 2

·       Cross Country – Tuesday 13th of May, postponement day Wednesday 14th May
·       Check your child’s stationery please – many children were without pencils last week!
·       Sport on Tuesday afternoon’s this term – remember suitable shoes

Dear Families

By the time you receive this newsletter, we will have enjoyed a fantastic day at Orana Park! Thank you to Anna Ashby for organising this for us! 
The Water Ignition day – or the Drip, Drip, Drip day, was so much fun!  No doubt you will have heard a lot about the day from your child!  The children have all talked about how much fun the day was!

Cross Country
This takes place tomorrow!  You will have seen the times in the school newsletter last week as well as the letter that the children brought home.  We hope you can join us!  In the event of bad weather the postponement day is Wednesday

Lucky Book Club
Orders for Lucky Book Club need to be back at school by Friday 23rd of May.

This week we are starting our new Spelling Programme.  The children will receive 8 spelling words each week and will have activities related to their words at school.  We would still like you to test them on their words each night, and help them to put their words into a sentence – you can put more than one word into each sentence to cut down the workload!  We want to see that the children know what their words mean.

In Room 13 we continue to look at ‘tidy numbers’.  If I have 4 + 16 + 8 – then I can add the 4 and the 16 to make 20, then add 8 to make 28.  Keep working on the PROBES and the class blog – they are activities designed to increase your child’s basic facts speed and number knowledge and strategies. Remember to check out your maths’ classes Blog if you are not in Room 13.

Enjoy the week!
Adela and Julie

Term 2 Week 1


·       Water Day – Wednesday – bring extra clothes

·       Cross Country – Tuesday 13th of May (postponement day is Wednesday 14th May)

·       Check your stationery please!

Dear Families

Welcome back to Term 2!  We hope that you survived the wet weather and made the most of the time off school!  We have a busy term ahead!  Julie is back on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and Adela on Wednesdays and Thursdays!

Drip, drip, drip!

This term our topic is WATER.  We will be looking at the water cycle, how we can use and conserve water and doing a range of water activities including scientific investigations.  We will attempt to have our Water Day again this WEDNESDAY – a change of clothes might be a good idea to add to your child’s bag, as we intend to get WET!!!

Orana Park

We are still waiting to receive confirmation of a new date for this trip and will let you know once we have one.

Cross Country

Our school cross-country will happen on TUESDAY the 13th of MAY. Our practice had been going really well before the holidays!  The children will need to wear their house colours and MUST wear suitable shoes for running!  We hope to see you there on the day! 

Spelling Programme

We are going to be starting a new Spelling Programme this term based on the STEPS to LITERACY spelling resource.  The children have been grouped and set at an appropriate level.  The focus is on sounds – particularly vowel sounds, and uses a range of written and computer activities to learn and maintain words.  Each child will have 8 words to learn in a particular pattern or sound.  Our aim is to see the children using these words correctly in their writing and everyday work.  This will start NEXT week so there will be no spelling words this week.


We will be focusing a lot on comprehension this term – do the children understand what they are reading – and can they find information in the texts.  Please keep up the reading at home – even if a school text does not come home each day!  Make sure you record your home reading on the home learning sheet. We will be doing running records on all the children throughout the term, to have current information for the reports you will receive at the end of the term. 

Some reading groups do not need to be read with every day with the teacher – they are able to read and work on activities independently.

Class resources
Hats are no longer compulsory at school.  As the weather gets colder, extra tissues are always needed in the classroom.  Please send along a box if you can!  Children may wish to wear slippers in the classroom as the weather outdoors gets wetter and muddier – but they must keep their shoes under their bags in the cloakroom.

Please make sure drink bottles go home regularly to be washed.

Can you check your child has enough pencils, pens, glue-sticks and whiteboard pens to begin the term please.

Have a great week
Adela and Julie

Term 1 - Week 9

Dear Families

What a busy week ahead of us!  I hope that some of you will be able to join us with the sewing and creating of our class community cloth this WEDNESDAY at 11.30 or THURSDAY at 1.30.  There will be sewing, gluing, cutting and stuffing required!  We would love to have any newspaper, buttons, glue guns, cool fabrics and sharp scissors suitable for children to use.  I look forward to seeing you!


Thank you to those who are making the effort to work on and learn the weekly spelling words.  There is a lot of debate around class spelling programmes and homework!  I believe the more you support your child and find ways to help them learn and maintain their words – the better!  We are looking at a variety of programmes as a school to support the learning of spelling. Whilst some words seem easy for the children to learn, you would be surprised how often they are spelt incorrectly in their daily writing!  We are having a HUGE focus on “sight words” in class, making sure we get these mastered!!  This week I am trialing a house points system for homework, to see if we can get a better number of children completing it, and therefore supporting our class learning.

Cross Country

This will happen early into next term!  We have started developing our fitness – it’s a good idea to keep this up during the holidays!


We are looking at making ‘tidy numbers’ this week.  A tidy number ends in a 0 – so if I was adding 3 + 7 + 8, I’d look to make a ten first – 3+ 7 = 10 + 8 = 18.  Work through the homework activity on this and check out our class blog to see the online games you can play.

Have a great week

Term 1 - Week 8


• Swimming is now FINISHED!

• There is a Mufti Day on this    

  THURSDAY – a gold coin donation

  is required.

• Have you read an eBook on Oxford

  Owl yet?  The login is

  room13stalbans and the password is


• Do you have any of the following we

  can use for our community cloth:

·       Felt fabric

·       Hessian

·       Buttons

·       Ribbons

·       Needles suitable for children to sew with

·       Wool or embroidery string

Dear Families

This term is flying by!  We have a busy four weeks ahead of us!  Just to reiterate last week’s notice that after today, Julie will be taking some time off to recover from surgery.  Adela will be working full-time during Weeks 8-10, but is away for Week 11 on a pre-arranged trip.  If well enough Julie will return, but in the unlikely event of this, we have got a fabulous person on stand-by to take the class for the four days of Week 11.  She will be left with the planning and procedures usually followed in our class.

Community Cloth

We will be focusing on making a class ‘Community Cloth’ over the next few weeks and will require a lot of parent help with this!  There will be sewing involved and so we plan to run a few afternoon sessions with parents coming in to assist.  Please mark these dates and times in your diary: Wednesday 2nd of April from 11.30-12.30 and Thursday 3rd of April from1.30-3.00pm.  If required we will also look Thursday 10th of April from 1.30-3.00pm as well.  We would LOVE and NEED a parent to help with some cutting out of fabrics in preparation for the cloth work.  This can be done at home! If you can help, please see Adela on Tuesday!

Road Patrol
This week we are on Road Patrol after school.  We will need to get out to the road very promptly so may leave a few minutes early, with the children waiting until the bell goes.  You may want to be at the classroom at 2.55pm to make sure your child does not leave before the bell goes.

Favourite Books
This Wednesday, a group of children will share their favourite book with the class.  A notice will come home with them on TUESDAY to give them the night to choose.  They will be reading it, or a part of it, to a small group, so it would be great to have gone through this process at home.  We are aiming to promote expression when reading aloud, share a range of books with our peers and to self manage a homework task.  Each child in our class will have the chance to share a book with a small group before the end of the term.

Orana Park
Have you returned your permission slips for this trip yet?  Make sure you do it is an exciting trip and not too far away!  We now have three parent helpers who we have approached it was based on first in!  Thanks for your offers to help there will be other trips for those who missed out!

Haruno and her family will be heading back to Japan to live this week.  We will miss you Haruno and hope you stay in touch with us from Japan!

We are looking at ‘Ordering Numbers’ this week – keep up the place value games on the blog, and see the new Maths Activities this week based around ordering numbers.  Study Ladder is operating – make sure you are accessing it at home too!

Term 1 - Week 7

Weather permitting – this is our final week of swimming at school!

Please make sure your child has a whiteboard and their ten sided dice by now.

Dear Families

It was great to meet with all of you last week.  We feel very lucky to have such a great group of children in Room 13 this year who are being supported by wonderful parents!  Every little bit that you can do with your child will help their learning – taking time to listen to their reading, doing some basic facts, practising the weekly spelling words and discussing what they are learning in class are all important tasks that will benefit your child immensely!

Julie on Leave

Next Tuesday, Julie will be having an operation that requires her to have 3-4 weeks off work to recover.  Adela will take on the role of full time teacher for that period!  We wish you a speedy recovery Julie!


We continue to work on Place Value.  You can discuss this with your child by getting them to tell you what numbers are made up of – 45 is four tens and five ones or 45 = 40+5.  The homework for maths is on our class blog - Room 13 maths’ children have been given a ‘climb the ladder’ sheet to complete.

Orana Park

Have you returned your permission slips for this trip yet?  Make sure you do – it is an exciting trip and not too far away!


Haruno and her family will be heading back to Japan to live next week and her last day will be Wednesday 26th March.  We will miss you Haruno and hope you stay in touch with us from Japan!

Have a great week
Adela and Julie

Spelling Homework
This week the children are asked to write out each spelling word in an interesting sentence following the criteria that they have been given. 

Term 1 - Week 6

Parent Interviews Wednesday and Thursday – school finishes at 2pm Thursday.

Please make sure your child has a whiteboard and their ten sided dice as we are using them now.

Dear Families
What a week last week turned out to be!  It was a shame we could not do the Year 3 TRYathlon – but this gives the children the chance to work on their biking, swimming and running in anticipation of the event now planned for term 4!  We look forward to seeing you all at Parent Interviews this week.  Please return the information pamphlet that was sent home prior to your interview.

This week we are learning about Place Value in maths.  This means looking at numbers and how they are made up of hundreds, tens or ones.  For example – 134 is one hundred three tens and four ones.  Check out the homework for our class on our Blog.  Visiting the school Maths Blog is a great way of gaining mathematical strategies and knowledge through games and activities.

Orana Park
Please could the permission slips for the year 3 Orana Park trip be returned as soon as possible.

We will continue to use the school pool for swimming where the weather allows. Can you please make sure that your child has their swimming togs and a towel on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week. There may be a chance we can swap to an afternoon slot, as the year 0-2 children will be swimming at Aquagym this week.

Our Blog
Do you check our blog regularly?  We are always updating it – make sure you check out the TABS – not just the home page!  We would love you to comment on the items we add!

Have a great week
Adela and Julie

Term 1 - Week 5

Dear Families

Tomorrow we take part in the Year 3 Tryathlon!  (weather permitting!) With our school pool back in action, it is going to be great to see the children taking part in something new and exciting!  Whilst some children may feel a little daunted by the challenge of this new event, we will be encouraging them to try their best, have fun and celebrate their participation in their first St Albans School Tryathlon!  We look forward to you joining us at 9.00am – check the class blog in the morning for updates on postponements!

Your child needs to bring their togs, house t-shirt, helmet and bike – which can be parked on the path next to our ramp before school.  We encourage parents to take the bikes home AFTER the Tryathlon as we don’t physically have the space for all the extra bikes at school!  If your child wears their togs to school under their uniform – please remember underwear!  They will change back into their uniform after the event.  If you can help with getting the children changed after the swim, please let me know!


Our groupings are now more settled!  There will still be some changes as the needs arise, but your child should now be bringing home books suited to their reading level.  Do come and see us if you have any questions on this. We have started the OXFORD OWL Online Programme in class with some reading groups.  There is a link on our blog.  Click on the My Class Login on the link.  Our class username is: room13stalbans and the password is: mrsbrown.  The children have a reading log they must keep at school to record the Oxford Owl ebooks they read, and they must fill in one Book Review per week.


The first week of Maths Interchange has gone very well.  The children have quickly learnt to have their maths equipment ready on their desks BEFORE the bell goes at 9.00am.  It is very important that your child has a whiteboard to use during maths and has purchased two ten sided dice from the office.  We are working on doubles and halves and near doubles and halves.  These are proving tricky and so practice, practice, practice is what is needed to master these!  Please make a conscious effort to work on knowing the doubles to 20 at home – it will help immensely!  Near doubles means that if we know 6 + 6 = 12, then 6 + 7 = 13.

Have a great week

Adela and Julie

Term 1 - Week 4

  • Remember to book your interview for Week 6.

  • Swimming this week is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

  • Whiteboards are needed at school this week please.

Dear Families

It’s hard to believe it is Week 4 already!  Swimming at Aquagym last week was very successful!  The children gained a lot from the consistency of being in the pool everyday.  We received great feedback on the amazing attitudes and fantastic behavior of our children – so well done kids!


The groups are now starting to settle and a few changes have been made.  It is not possible for us to know every book your child has read at a particular level, but it is still good practice for them to read these again!  Skill teaching happens at school and by the time your child reads their book to you after school, it should be quite easy for them!  Remember that the local library is a fantastic FREE resource with great people who can help you find books that your children will enjoy!


Today we started our Maths Exchange Programme.  This means that your child may not be in Room 13 for maths, but with another teacher in the Year 3 team.  This ‘interchange’ worked very successfully last year, with the children being grouped with other children working at their ability.  The homework for Maths will be put on the blog of the teacher’s class they go to.  These are now added onto our blog, under the Maths Homework Page.  Just click the link!   Can your child please have their whiteboard at school this week for maths starters and group sessions.

Year 3 Tryathlon

Next Tuesday , 4th March, the year 3 children will be having a Tryathlon. Further details about the event will be sent home this week. All children will require a bicycle and helmet for the event. If your child does not have either of these and you are unable to borrow them please let us know. Likewise if you have a spare bicycle or helmet that you would be able to loan someone please let us know. The postponement day will be Friday 7th March.

Have a great week

Adela and Julie

Term 1 - Week 3


·       Aquagym swimming EVERYDAY this week – we will not be swimming in the school pool this week

·       Hats are required at school everyday this term

·       Stationery – please have at school ASAP!

·       Make sure your child has a reading folder at school each day – no reading folder – no book!

·       Check out our blog for things we are doing in the classroom

Dear Families

This week we will be swimming at Aquagym everyday, traveling by bus.  Your child needs to have their swimming costume, towel and preferably goggles, in a NAMED, sturdy bag.  Goggles make it a lot easier for children to put their head under the water. It is very important that school uniform is named – so that we can return it to the right person if it is found!  The swimming in our school pool is going well.  Regular opportunities to get into the pool, is a great way to develop confidence in the water and ultimately develop the ability to swim.


Your child will bring home some spelling words today as part of their homework.  There is a lot of research into ways in which children learn to spell and how effective spelling homework is.  We believe that children should know what their words mean and how to use them in the correct context, as this is one way of learning to spell a word.   To begin the term we will be focusing on the essential spelling lists – the words most commonly used words in everyday reading, writing and conversation.  Whilst they may seem easy, they are still words that are commonly not spelt correctly in children’s writing.  Your child will have 6-8 words each week, which we encourage you to practise each day and record on the homework sheet.  Please continue to read each night and record this on the homework sheet also.  From this week children should return their reading books every Friday, this should enable them to re-read texts or catch up if they have had a busy evening.  Books should always be kept in the reading folder, as they may be required to complete reading activities in class. Maths homework will be set on the class Blog every Monday. If you do not have internet access please let us know.

Community Cloth

This term we will be producing a class piece of Art – a Community Cloth, which will become part of a whole school art-piece.  We will be looking at “sewing” our piece later in the term.  If you have any felt, Dacron, or buttons that you can give us to go towards this work, please send them along!

We have been so busy the last few weeks and you will be starting to see some of our work being displayed in our class.  Please continue to introduce yourselves

Have a great week

Adela and Julie
Term 1 - Week 2

Dear Families
It was great to get the school year off in such a positive way last week.  The children have settled into a new class and team very smoothly.  Over the next few weeks we will continue to focus on getting to know your child and establishing the routines and expectations in our class.

Please make sure this is at school this week if you have not yet sent your child’s stationery along.  It is important that the correct books are here to work in, as we are already well underway in a range of our class programmes.

We are now enforcing the ‘hats rule’ for Term 1.  Children must have a named hat at school to wear, or they will have to play in the shaded areas. We used some UV beads last week to show the importance of being protected from the sun – even when it appears that they day is not so sunny!  Make sure you get your child to tell you about this!

This week the children will receive a reading book as we begin our reading programme.  Our focus is to establish effective routines, and to develop independence and self-management from your child as we use a MUST DO/MAY DO system.  The children will have a Must Do activity each day followed by a choice of May do activities once they have completed work.  We have a focus on ‘quality work’ and higher order thinking.

If your child still has their red dictionary that they used last year, please can they bring it along to class as it can still be useful when writing.

Next week we will be swimming at Aquagym everyday. We will be leaving school at 11:00 and returning at approximately 12:30. Please can you ensure that your child remembers their togs and towel and that all clothing items, including their school uniform are named.

Have a great week – come in and say hello if we haven’t met yet!
Adela and Julie


Dear Families

Welcome back to Room 13 in 2014! We hope you have enjoyed a fabulous summer break, and like us, are excited about the year ahead!  We have a fun, interesting classroom filled with lots of exciting programmes and events!  We hope you and your child will enjoy the learning journey with us!

Our Teachers
Room 13 operates as a job-share classroom. Mrs Julie Worthington will be teaching Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and Mrs Adela Brown will be teaching on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  We have complimenting strengths and interests, common philosophies, consistent practices and are in constant communication with each other.  Please feel free to approach either teacher with any queries that you have.

Thank you to those of you who have sent your child’s stationery along to school today.  We are already using our books in the classroom, so please send them along to school as soon as possible if you have yet to do so.  In Year 3 we expect the children to be responsible for looking after their own pens, pencils etc. so they may wish to bring a pencil case to school.  Labeling items will hopefully prevent things from being lost!

The School Day
Our school day begins at 9.00am, with children being able to enter the classrooms from 8.30am.  We ask that your child arrives earlier than the 9.00am bell so that they can be ‘ready’ prior to the school day beginning.  At Year 3 we expect the children to organise themselves independently before school and hope you will support us with this.

Reading Folders
The children will begin bringing home a reading book in Week 2, from Monday to Thursday.  At this early stage of the year, your child may receive books that they have had before, or that they may find easy or difficult to read on their own.  Please bear with us whilst we establish our guided reading groups – it won’t take too long to have these sorted!  In Year 3 it is important that children are reading books of their own choice, in addition to the guided reading books. After a stock-take during the holidays of our school readers, we found that a huge amount of books were missing!  If you find any school readers at home, we would really appreciate these being returned.  They cost approximately $12 per book to replace! Books must come to and from school in a reading folder every day.  

Class Blog
Our class blog is  We believe that the blog is a great way to share our learning and to celebrate our successes.  We update the blog regularly with class events, the weekly newsletter, our Stars of the Week and our special achievements.  Please make sure you check it regularly – you could make it the homepage in your browser settings!

The first few weeks of school are about us getting to know each other, with a large emphasis on learning about ‘Me and my Peers'!  We do not expect homework to be too onerous, instead a focus on supporting your child in what we are learning in the class.  Next week, the children will begin to bring home a Browsing Box book, and in Week 3 we will begin sending home some word study and maths activities. More information on this will follow in the next few weeks.

Sunhats are to be worn everyday in Term 1.  A full brimmed hat is encouraged and must be named!  With the weather being so amazing at the moment (hopefully!) we encourage lots of water for drinking throughout the day!  We are so fortunate to have air conditioning in our classroom that will make the hot days more bearable!

The school pool will again be in use this term.  Our swimming days are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We ask that the children bring their swimming bag containing togs, a towel and a rash top if they have one on these days. We will be swimming at Aquagym during Week 3.  You will receive more information regarding this shortly.

Last year your child should have purchased a whiteboard that was used in the classroom for various subject areas.  If you still have these at home, could they please be sent back to school, as we plan to use them again this year.  They can be purchased at the school office if you are unable to locate it!

Enjoy the week - we look forward to meeting you all!
Adela and Julie

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